In my quest for ever-greater levels of cuteness in my dev environment, I’ve fallen in love with emoji bash aliases. These little shortcuts help me reduce keystrokes and stay in good spirits while I’m coding.

Defining Aliases

If you’re using a Mac, press Ctrl + Command + Space to bring up your handy dandy emoji keyboard. It’ll place your recently used emojis at the top.

Emoji keyboard: default

Hover over emojis to learn their plain text names (e.g. the detective is actually named β€œSleuth or spy”) and take advantage of autocomplete.

Emoji keyboard: autocomplete

Open up the terminal and start editing .bash_profile in your favorite text editor. The basic formula for an alias is:

alias alias_name="command"

Here are some examples to get you started:

Git Workflow

alias ✏️="git commit -m"
alias πŸ‘‹="git fetch origin"
alias πŸ’‘="git status"
alias 🌲="git log"
alias πŸ•΅="git diff"
alias πŸ€–="git push origin"
alias πŸ’ͺ="git push origin --force"
alias 😎="git commit --amend --no-edit;echo ...mischief managed!"
alias 🌊="git reset --hard"
alias πŸ“‘="git remote -v"


alias πŸš€="bin/rails server"
alias πŸ”="bin/rails console"
alias 🌊="bin/spring stop"
alias πŸ‘“="echo ...putting on rSpectacles! πŸ€“...;bundle exec rspec -fd"
alias πŸ’©="bin/rails db:drop; bin/rails db:create; bin/rails db:migrate;bin/rails db:seed"
alias πŸ‚="bin/rails"
alias πŸ‚πŸ£="bin/rails db:create"
alias πŸ‚πŸ§="bin/rails db:migrate"
alias πŸ‚πŸŒ±="bin/rails db:seed"


alias 🐍="python"
alias πŸ““="jupyter notebook"


alias βš—="echo ...serving up Jekyll ...;bundle exec jekyll serve & sleep 5;open http://localhost:4000"

Suggestions? Share your own aliases here.